A severe brittle diabetes with insulin antibody successfully treated with mosapride and switched from glargine to degludec
- 大阪警察病院内科
- Department of Internal Medicine,Osaka Police Hospital
Author Contact
白木 梓
〒543-0035 大阪市天王寺区北山町10-31
Shiraki Azusa
Department of Internal Medicine,Osaka Police Hospital
Osaka 543-0035
Diabetes Frontier Online 1, e1-004, 2014 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_0101_004
- 受付日
- 2014-06-15
- 受理日
- 2014-06-28
- 掲載日
- 2014-07-04
Diabetes Frontier Online 1, e1-004, 2014 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_0101_004
- Reception Date
- 2014-06-15
- Accept Date
- 2014-06-28
- Run Date
- 2014-07-04
症例は80歳,女性。62歳時に糖尿病と診断され,各種インスリン製剤による治療を続けてきた。2013年,徐々に血糖コントロールが悪化し,高血糖,低血糖を繰り返すため入院となった。インスリン抗体,insulin lipodystrophyおよび糖尿病胃腸症が血糖不安定性の原因と考えられたため,モサプリド内服,インスリン製剤の変更,正しい注射手技や注射部位の指導を行い,血糖変動の改善を認めた症例を経験した。
An 80-year-old woman, who had been diagnosed with diabetes at 62 years of age and continuously treated with various insulin preparations, was admitted in 2013 for repeated episodes of hyper- and hypoglycemia after a progressive worsening of glycemic control. Her glycemic instability was considered to be due to insulin antibodies, insulin lipodystrophy, and diabetic gastroenteropathy. The use of oral mosapride, a switch in insulin preparations, and instructions in appropriate injection techniques and site selection resulted in a reduction in glycemic variability.
- インスリン抗体
- 糖尿病胃腸症
- insulin lipodystrophy
- モサプリド
- 不安定糖尿病