Case report of one family with variant hemoglobin as detected by abnormally low HbA1c when diagnosed by routine examination
- 1) 岡崎市民病院内分泌・糖尿病内科
- 2) 岡崎市民病院外科
- 1) Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Okazaki City Hospital
- 2) Department of Surgery, Okazaki City Hospital
Author Contact
鈴木 陽之
〒444-8553 愛知県岡崎市高隆寺町字五所合3番地1
Suzuki Haruyuki
Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Okazaki City Hospital
Aichi 444-8553
Diabetes Frontier Online 2, e1-001, 2015 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_0201_001
- 受付日
- 2015-01-21
- 受理日
- 2015-01-26
- 掲載日
- 2015-02-05
Diabetes Frontier Online 2, e1-001, 2015 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_0201_001
- Reception Date
- 2015-01-21
- Accept Date
- 2015-01-26
- Run Date
- 2015-02-05
Case1. A 45-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of an abnormally low HbA1c level when diagnosed by routine examination. Although her HbA1c level was abnormally low (2.9%), an OGTT of 75g suggested impaired glucose tolerance. Her GA was 13.5%. When HbA1c was analyzed by the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, there was an abnormal peak on the HPLC chart. A second analysis with high quality HPLC disclosed peaks in variant hemoglobin near the A0 and at later time intervals, and the patient was strongly suspected to have variant hemoglobin. Case2. A 76-year-old man, the father of Case 1, visited our hospital for a family study. The father had diabetes mellitus and underwent diet and exercise therapies by a practitioner, but his blood glucose level was consistently above 200mg/dL. His HbA1c was 4.8%, but his GA was 23.4% and therefore his glycemic control was considered to be poor. Consequently, in cases of abnormally low HbA1c levels, we should suspect variant hemoglobin. Additionally, GA should be considered a suitable index for glycemic control for patients with variant hemoglobin.
- ヘモグロビン異常症
- HbA1c
- GA