The safety and clinical efficacy of tofogliflozin using 24hour accumulated urine analysis
- 内科クリニックこばやし
- Internal medicine of Kobayashi clinic
Author Contact
小林 一雄
〒252-0131 神奈川県相模原市緑区西橋本5-1-1ラフロール3F
Kobayashi Kazuo
Internal medicine of Kobayashi clinic
Kanagawa 252-0131
Diabetes Frontier Online 2, e1-010, 2015 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_0201_010
- 受付日
- 2015-06-24
- 受理日
- 2015-07-01
- 掲載日
- 2015-07-6
Diabetes Frontier Online 2, e1-010, 2015 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_0201_010
- Reception Date
- 2015-06-24
- Accept Date
- 2015-07-01
- Run Date
- 2015-07-6
SGLT2阻害薬の臨床効果を正確に検討するため,2型糖尿病症例に24時間蓄尿を行いつつtofogliflozin 20mgを24週間投与した。結果,24時間蓄尿量(mL/日)は1,790±760から2,420±540,尿糖排泄量(g/日)は20±21から125±61,体重(kg)は80.7±12.3から75.7±11.6と著明な変化を認めた。HbA1c(%)は7.88±0.94から7.63±1.29と軽度改善,HDL-コレステロール,γ-GTP,収縮期血圧は有意な改善を認めたが,ヘマトクリットや血中総ケトン体は有意に増加を認めた。蓄尿量が増加した5例では,投与前の蓄尿量が有意に少なく,尿浸透圧は高かった。また尿糖排泄量とHbA1c,グリコアルブミンには強い相関も認められた。実臨床のデータとしては既報と異なる所見もあり,また24時間蓄尿検査結果から得られる知見も少なからず認め,今後さらなる検討が望まれる。
To investigate the exact effects of SGLT2 inhibitor, tofogliflozin was administered to 11 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus while performing 24-hour accumulated urine analysis. The 24-hour urine volume significantly increased from 1,790±760 to 2,420±540 mL/day and 24-hour urine glucose also significantly increased from 20±21 to 125±61 g/day. Body weight significantly decreased from 80.7±12.3 to 75.7±11.6 kg. HbA1c level changed from 7.88±0.94 to 7.63±1.29, but there was no significant difference. On the other hand, HDL-cholesterol, γGTP, and systolic blood pressure levels significantly improved. The levels of hematocrit and total ketone body significantly increased. In the five cases where 24-hour urine volume increased, significantly low urine volume and high osmolality before administration of tofogliflozin were shown. A significant relationship between 24-hour urine glucose and HbA1c or glycoalbumin was observed. Because there is little difference between these clinical results and previous reports, further examination on 24-hour accumulated urine analysis should be conducted in the future.
- SGLT2阻害薬
- 24時間蓄尿
- tofogliflozin
- 尿糖
- ケトーシス