Inhibition of advanced glycation end products formation by quercetin
- 1) 久留米大学医学部糖尿病性血管合併症病態・治療学
- 2) 西内科医院
- 1) Department of Pathophysiology and Therapeutics of Diabetic Vascular Complications, Kurume University School of Medicine
- 2) Nishi Clinic
Author Contact
山岸 昌一
〒830-0011 久留米市旭町67
Yamagishi Sho-ichi
Department of Pathophysiology and Therapeutics of Diabetic Vascular Complications,
Kurume University School of Medicine, Kurume 830-0011
Diabetes Frontier Online 2, e1-012, 2015 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_0201_012
- 受付日
- 2015-09-17
- 受理日
- 2015-09-24
- 掲載日
- 2015-09-28
Diabetes Frontier Online 2, e1-012, 2015 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_0201_012
- Reception Date
- 2015-09-17
- Accept Date
- 2015-09-24
- Run Date
- 2015-09-28
加齢に伴い生体内蛋白は一様に糖化を受け,臓器障害性の強い終末糖化産物(advanced glycation end products:AGEs)と呼ばれる劣化蛋白を形成するに至る。AGEsの生成,蓄積は,加齢や酸化ストレス,慢性炎症,高血糖下でも亢進し,老化のプロセスに深く関わることが明らかにされてきた。われわれは以前に,試験管内において25-100μMスルフォラファンがAGEsの形成を阻害することを報告した。そこで本研究では,低濃度ケルセチンのAGEs形成阻害作用について,スルフォラファンの共存,非共存下で検討を行った。0.4μMケルセチン存在下で3日間,0.4μMあるいは1.6μMケルセチン存在下で7日間,グリセルアルデハイドとウシ血清アルブミンをインキュベーションすると,AGEsに特徴的な蛍光活性が有意に低下することが見い出された。さらに,ELISA法により,グリセルアルデハイドに由来するAGEsを特異的に測定したところ,①0.4μMケルセチンによりAGEsの形成が有意に抑えられること,②0.4μMスルフォラファンを共存させることで,ケルセチンのAGEs阻害作用が強まることが観察された。ケルセチンは,AGEsの形成を抑えることで,老年疾患の発症・進展に保護的に働く可能性が考えられる。
A non-enzymatic reaction between reducing sugars and amino groups of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids contributes to the aging of macromolecules. Over a course of days to weeks, early glycation products undergo further reactions such as rearrangements and dehydration to become irreversibly cross-linked, macroprotein derivatives termed advanced glycation end products (AGEs). The formation and accumulation of AGEs have been known to progress at a normal physiological aging and at an accelerated rate under oxidative stress, inflammatory and hyperglycemic conditions. There is accumulating evidence that AGEs play a role in various aging-related disorders. We have previously shown that 25-100 μM sulforaphane inhibits in vitro-formation of AGEs. In this study, we examined the effects of lower concentration of quercetin on AGEs generation. When glyceraldehyde and bovine serum albumin were incubated with 0.4 μM quercetin for 3 days, 0.4 or 1.6 μM quercetin for 7 days, intensities of fluorescence characteristic to AGEs (Ex=355 nm, Em=460 nm) were significantly decreased. Furthermore, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed that 0.4 μM quercetin significantly prevented the formation of AGEs, and its effect was additive with 0.4 μM sulforaphane. Our present study suggests that quercetin might protect against aging-related disorders via suppression of AGEs formation.
- AGEs
- ケルセチン
- 酸化ストレス
- 老化