Habitual alcohol drinking in patients with diabetes mellitus.
- 高松内科クリニック
- Takamatsu Medical Clinic
Author Contact
高松 和永
〒780-0052 高知県高知市大川筋2-5-48
Takamatsu Kazunaga
Takamatsu Medical Clinic, Kochi 780-0052, Japan
Diabetes Frontier Online 7, e1-004, 2020 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_0701_004
- 受付日
- 2020-9-7
- 受理日
- 2020-9-23
- 掲載日
- 2020-9-25
Diabetes Frontier Online 7, e1-004, 2020 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_0701_004
- Reception Date
- 2020-9-7
- Accept Date
- 2020-9-23
- Run Date
- 2020-9-25
<結果>常習飲酒者は,29.2%にみられた。常習飲酒者は,非常習飲酒者と比べ,肝線維化の指標であるFIB4 index 2.67以上,高血圧,脳血管障害の頻度が高頻度であった。
Objective:To elucidate the frequency of habitual alcohol drinking and related factors in diabetic patients. Methods and Patients:A total of 866 diabetic patients (545 men, 321 women) with a mean age of 67.1 ± 11.0 years were included in this study A patient who had been drinking 60 g of alcohol or more per day, in ethanol conversion, for 5 years or more was defined as a habitual alcohol drinker (drinkers). The frequency of habitual alcohol drinking and the related backgrounds were examined. Results:Drinkers was recorded in 253 patients, 29.2% (44.6% male and 3.1% female). The frequency of FIB4 index 2.67 or higher, high blood pressure and cerebrovascular disease (CVD) among drinkers were higher than among non- drinkers. Conclusion:The risks of developing hepatic fibrosis and CVD were high in drinkers, and it is considered necessary to consider these factors in medical treatment for diabetes.
- Diabetes mellitus
- Habitual alcohol drinking
- Hepatic fibrosis
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Hypertension