Inhibition of formation of advanced glycation end products by Maitake extracts
- 1) 久留米大学医学部糖尿病性血管合併症病態・治療学
- 2) 昭和大学医学部内科学講座糖尿病・代謝・内分泌内科学部門
- 1) Department of Pathophysiology and Therapeutics of Diabetic Vascular Complications, Kurume University School of Medicine
- 2) Division of Diabetes, Metabolism, and Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine
Author Contact
山岸 昌一
〒142-8666 東京都品川区旗の台1-5-8
Yamagishi Sho-ichi
Division of Diabetes, Metabolism, and Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine,
1-5-8, Hatanodai Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 142-8555, Japan
Diabetes Frontier Online 10, e1-001, 2023 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_1001_001
- 受付日
- 2023-1-5
- 受理日
- 2023-1-11
- 掲載日
- 2023-2-1
Diabetes Frontier Online 10, e1-001, 2023 http://doi.org/10.15634/J0100_1001_001
- Reception Date
- 2023-1-5
- Accept Date
- 2023-1-11
- Run Date
- 2023-2-1
生体内蛋白質は,一様に糖化変性,修飾を受け,立体構造が変化し機能が劣化する。加齢のみならず,糖尿病やメタボリック症候群などの代謝性疾患では,この反応が加速し,老化蛋白質である終末糖化産物(advanced glycation end products,以下AGEs)の形成,蓄積が亢進する。これまでの多くの研究により,AGEsの形成,蓄積が多岐にわたる老年病の発症,進展過程に深く関わることが明らかにされてきた。一方,まいたけの抽出物に血糖降下作用や抗肥満作用があることが動物実験で示されてきている。しかしながら,まいたけの抽出物の抗糖化活性についてはこれまで検討が行われていない。本研究では,まいたけの水溶性抽出物のAGEs形成抑制作用を抗糖化作用が報告されているカルノシン,アンセリンと比較した。カルノシンとアンセリンは用量依存的にAGEsの形成を抑制したが,まいたけの水溶性抽出物は10%の濃度でのみAGEsの形成を有意に2/3程度にまで抑えた。カルノシン,アンセリンのAGEs形成50%阻害濃度は,それぞれ4.2mM,2.8mMであった。以上のことから,10%のまいたけの水溶性抽出物には薬理学的濃度のカルノシン,アンセリンに匹敵するAGEs形成抑制効果が期待される。
Monosaccharides can react non-enzymatically with amino groups of proteins, altering their tertiary structure and functional properties. The non-enzymatic reactions between monosaccharides and proteins have been known to progress under a physiological aging process, diabetic conditions, and/or metabolic syndrome in humans, thereby leading to formation and accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). There is a growing body of evidence that AGEs play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of various aging-related disorders. Although water-soluble extracts from Grifola Frondosa (Maitake) have been shown to exert anti-diabetic and anti-obesity activities in animal models, it remains unclear whether they could have anti-glycating properties in vitro. Therefore, we examined the effect of Maitake extracts on formation of AGEs in vitro and compared it with effects of carnosine and anserine, well-known anti-glycating dipeptides. Carnosine and anserine dose-dependently inhibited the formation of AGEs, which was significantly suppressed by Maitake extracts at 10 %, but not at lower concentrations. Half maximal inhibitory concentrations of carnosine and anserine for anti-AGE formation were 4.2mM and 2.8mM, respectively. Our present study suggests that water-soluble extracts from Maitake at 10% may have anti-glycating activity in vitro, which is equivalent to that of pharmacological concentrations of carnosine and anserine.
- AGEs
- 老年病
- まいたけ